Item Sets

Disclaimer : this article consists in the old doc from the official dev portal :

An item set is a custom set of items that are displayed within the in-game item shop. They are included in a drop down along with the Recommended Items. Customized item sets can be added to the item shop by creating specially formatted JSON files in the League of Legends config.

File Location

Item sets are stored within the League of Legends config directory. There are two paths for item sets depending on if they are global or champion specific. The file path for champion specific item sets is based on the key that is associated with each champion. The champion key can be found using data dragon.


League of Legends\Config\Global\Recommended\

Champion Specific

League of Legends\Config\Champions\{championKey}\Recommended\ League of Legends\Config\Champions\MonkeyKing\Recommended\

Reserved File Names

You can place any number of JSON files in the item set directories, however there are several reserved file names. The game will automatically replace any files that conflict with any of the following file names:

{championKey}SR.json {championKey}TT.json {championKey}DM.json {championKey}ASC.json {championKey}PG.json // Example MonkeyKingSR.json MonkeyKingTT.json MonkeyKingDM.json MonkeyKingASC.json MonkeyKingPG.json

Item Set JSON

Item Set Details

{ "title": "The name of the page", "type": "custom", "map": "any", "mode": "any", "priority": false, "sortrank": 0, "blocks": [ ...   // Array of blocks    ] }

titleThe name of the item set as you would see it in the drop down.
Can be custom or global. This field is only used for grouping and sorting item sets. Custom item sets are ordered above global item sets. This field does not govern whether an item set available for every champion. To make an item set available for every champion, the JSON file must be placed an item set in the global folder.
The map this item set will appear on. Can be any, Summoner's Rift SR, Howling Abyss HA.
The mode this item set will appear on. Can be any, CLASSIC, ARAM, or Dominion ODIN.
prioritySelectively sort this item set above other item sets. Overrides sortrank, but not type. Defaults to false.
sortrankThe order in which this item set will be sorted within a specific type. Item sets are sorted in descending order.
The sections within an item set.

Block Details

"blocks": [ { "type": "A block with just boots", "recMath": false, "minSummonerLevel": -1, "maxSummonerLevel": -1, "showIfSummonerSpell": "", "hideIfSummonerSpell": "", "items": [ ...   // Array of items        ] }, ...   // Additional blocks]

The name of the block as you would see it in the item set.
recMathUse the tutorial formatting when displaying items in the block. All items within the block are separated by a plus sign with the last item being separated by an arrow indicating that the other items build into the last item. Defaults to false.
minSummonerLevelThe minimum required account level for the block to be visible to the player. Defaults to -1 which is equivalent to "any account level."
maxSummonerLevelThe maximum allowed account level for the block to be visible to the player. Defaults to -1 which is equivalent to "any account level."
showIfSummonerSpellOnly show the block if the player has equipped a specific summoner spell. Can be any valid summoner spell key, e.g. SummonerDot. Defaults to an empty string. Will not override hideIfSummonerSpell.
Summoner spell data can be viewed through data dragon.
hideIfSummonerSpellHide the block if the player has equipped a specific summoner spell. Can be any valid summoner spell key, e.g. SummonerDot. Defaults to an empty string. Overrides showIfSummonerSpell.
Summoner spell data can be viewed through data dragon.
An array of items to be displayed within the block.

Item Details

"items": [ { "id": "1001", "count": 1    }, ...   // Additional items]

The item id as a string, e.g. "1001".
countThe number of times this item should be purchased. The count is displayed in the bottom right of the item icon. The indicator counts down whenever the item is purchased. If the count reaches 0 the item will show a check mark indicating the item has been completed. Defaults to 0.

Example File

{ "title": "The name of the page", "type": "custom", "map": "any", "mode": "any", "priority": false, "sortrank": 0, "blocks": [ { "type": "A block with just boots", "recMath": false, "minSummonerLevel": -1, "maxSummonerLevel": -1, "showIfSummonerSpell": "", "hideIfSummonerSpell": "", "items": [ { "id": "1001", "count": 1                }, ...   // Additional items            ] }, ...   // Additional blocks    ] }

You can download a sample item set JSON file here: